2012年12月29日 星期六



1. 為什麼有些同學羨慕別人有特別技能,當自己去學習時,總是一事無成呢?

2. 他們以為學不好技能的原因是什麼?

3. 為什麼說這些一事無成的同學其實腦子並不笨呢?

4. 為什麼說要掌握一種技能其實並不難呢?

2012年12月23日 星期日

Learning styles

Learning styles
We all have the same basic brain structure, but we learn in different ways. If you find a lesson or subject boring or difficult, you may be frustrated at not receiving the information in a form that you can easily process.
Do you need to see things before you understand them? Do you like to have a good view of the board in the classroom? You probably have a visual learning style. If you are an auditory learner, it is important for you to hear clearly. You prefer a quiet learning environment, enjoy following discussions and may be good at putting ideas into words. If you prefer moving around to sitting still at a desk for long periods and like to have something in your hands when learning, you have a kinaesthetic preference. At this point we would like to apologize to all readers who would have preferred to hear this article on CD or to have taken part in an interactive workshop. Why? Because all of us have a mixture of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles. The more styles you use, the easier it is to remember new language.

Left and right

Another way of looking at the learning brain is to divide the neo-cortex into its two sides, or hemispheres.
The left hemisphere is associated with logical and systematic processes. This is also where the two main language areas are found. The "left brain" likes a structure for learning; for example, an English lesson with clear learning targets. It enjoys problem-solving activities and grammar explanations.
The right hemisphere is more intuitive. It is stimulated by music, rhythm and colour, and sees the "big picture" rather than the details. The "right brain" likes to see an overview of the whole English course. It enjoys working with pictures and diagrams, and it likes the creative nature of role plays.

Of course, the two hemispheres are physically connected and work together. The more you actively involve
each area in your learning, the more they can support each other and the stronger the connections that are made to the memory.

How do we remember? Why do we forget?

The memory is hugely complex and not completely understood. Looked at simply, it consists of two parts, the short term and the long-term memory. The short-term memory can hold only about seven items at a time. The long-term memory has an unlimited capacity and is made up of networks,
called "schemas". To find its way into the long-term memory, information such as new English words needs to be able to find a home in such a network. These networks are essential for effective learning. The more networks there are, the easier it is to find a home. The more interconnected and organized the networks in your long-term memory are, the easier it is to find the words and phrases when you need to speak or write them later. When we are not motivated to remember something new, it just disappears from our short-term memory. We forget it. We forget things we think we have already learned when they don't have enough connections to our memory networks and when they are not used often enough. In many cases, we don't want to remember things that were stressful or traumatic. New memories may override (auler Kraft setzen) old ones, or old memories may prevent new ones being stored.

Be active

Engaging your senses, making mental images, using humour - all of these stimulate different parts of the brain, increasing and strengthening the messages being sent to the memory. Whether you write, draw, tell jokes or stories, or ask questions using the words you want to learn - the more you interact with the words,
the stronger and more meaningful the connections to your long-term memory will be.
Make pictures in your mind. Make these mental images move, and make them in colour and larger than life.Use a variety of coloured marker pens for your vocabulary notes. Have a system: for example, highlight social English phrases in orange and phrases to use at meetings in green. When taking vocabulary notes, draw pictures instead of writing explanations if you can. Use symbols in your work, for example, warning triangles for typical mistakes or srnileys for words you really like.

Get connected
Some very old memorizing techniques work by making connections - by association. They can help you to
memorize things quickly and easily, and then to be able to remember them for a long time afterwards. Rather than just being tricks, it is now known that these techniques, called mnemonics (Eselsbrucken), just use the brain's natural ability. Here are some examples.
If you are having difficulty learning a word, think of a term that sounds the same in German, and build a mental picture of the two items together. For example, if you always forget the word "sparrow" (Spatz), then think of the German "Sperre" and imagine a line of birds blocking your way.

Another technique is to establish a route in your mind through a house that you know well. You then "place" one of the items you want to remember in each room and review the words by walking the route. A third technique is the number-rhyme system. First, establish a rhyming word for each number from one to ten, for example one = gun, two = shoe,' three = tree. You pick ten words to learn, and associate each with one of the rhyming words.

During revision or reading group, i will apply "be active" and   "Get connected" technique to design materials

Identify Nouns Game

For examples, you give a passage to your son. And you could ask them to read the paragraphs. Underline the common nouns. Circle the proper nouns. 

There are 22 common nouns and  14 proper nouns in the paragraphs. Could you find it. Try It!!

What is Grammar?

Here’s an old children’s rhyme about the eight parts of speech of English grammar. It gives you an idea of what grammar is about. Read and remember it.

This provides the concept of word and it's position in a sentence. 

2012年12月20日 星期四

History Boy

歷史系男生的劇情簡介   · · · · · · 
  赫克特的表現令校長(梅裡森飾)很不滿意,他很關注學校的升學率,尤其是上牛津和劍橋的學生的數量。後來,爭強好勝的年輕新老師湯姆·艾文Tom Irwin(史蒂芬·坎貝爾·摩爾飾)被校方雇來以幫助男生們考上牛津或劍橋大學,他與赫克特老師剛好完全相反,一心關注學生們的考試成績。由於兩位老師分別持傳統和現代兩種 截然相反的教學方法,使赫克特與湯姆·艾文產生了很大的個人分歧

The History Boys

Review by David Stratton
Alan Bennett’s very entertaining play, THE HISTORY BOYS has been brought to the screen with the original cast intact by director Nicholas Hytner, who first staged it at Britain’s National Theatre.

Filming took place after the London run finished and before the successful New York production began.

Set in the 1980s, in a high school in Sheffield, in England’s north, the film centres on eight boys who are chosen to be tutored in history to help them pass the exams to get them places in a major University.

The headmaster, CLIVE MERRISON, hires a recent Oxford history graduate, Irwin, (STEPHEN CAMPBELL MOORE) whose methods clash with those of the veteran general studies teacher, Hector, (RICHARD GRIFFITHS).

What works on stage doesn’t necessarily work on film and that’s very much the case with this extremely theatrical production.

Hytner has attempted to open out the play with scenes such as an outing to the ruined Fountains Abbey, but too many of the actors still perform as if they were projecting to the gallery. CLIVE MERRISON’s headmaster is particularly stagey.

On the other hand, FRANCES DE LA TOUR is dazzling as a waspish woman teacher, and STEPHEN CAMPBELL MOORE is also very effective as the new teacher, the catalyst in the drama.

All the boys are good, too, although the limitations of this stage-to-screen transfer ensure that they come across as ciphers rather than as flesh and blood human beings.

I think you have to blame the director for this. He seems to have been unable, or unwilling, to find ways of transforming this potentially powerful material into a genuine movie.

2012年12月18日 星期二


班別           姓名               成績       
第一部分: 基礎知識積累與運用42 分)
一、          我能拼,我能寫。(共6分)。
shuǎ   zhèn          nèn     zī         wǔ   kuān
二、我能用    畫出句子中帶點字的正確讀音3分)。
原來聖誕樹就是給(ɡěi  jǐ)予樹,它給(ɡěi  jǐ)小朋友們帶來新年的祝福(fú  hú)。
三、         我能看清每組字的區別,看我來組詞。5分)
辨(     )仰(      )戴        )臉(      )緒(      
辯(     )柳(      )帶        )撿(      )堵(      
四、         積累詞語我最棒,我一定能填正確4+2分)。
刻舟(   )劍   沒(   )打采      )近求遠   大驚失(   
興高(   )烈   不(   )思索    相提並(     不聞不(   
五、         先連線,再寫句子,請注意把線畫好。6+2分)。
聰明在於學習            必有我師焉
三人行            天才在於積累
人之初            柳暗花明又一村
上有天堂            始於足下
山重水複疑無路            性本善
千里之行            下有蘇杭
六、         下麵的句子是病句,我能把它改正過來。4分)
七、         我會仿照例句,寫一處景物或活動。要用上精彩的詞語。3分)。
八、         我會默寫《望天門山》。(4分)
十、本學期,我們開展了豐富多彩的中華傳統文化的綜合性學習活動。在這次活動中,我瞭解了             這種中華傳統文化,知道了                                            。(3分)
                                               第二部分  閱讀積累與運用26分)                  
1、這段話是從課文《               》中選出來的,這是一個神話故事,我還讀過別的神話故事,有《               》。(2分)
    ——          ——           ——         
4、盤古用他的整個身體創造了美麗的宇宙。他的雙眼變成了(            );他的肌膚,變成了遼闊的(         ),他的血液變成了奔流不息的(       ……3分)
你看:大雁飛行的時候  隊形  次序都有一定規矩  大雁打頭  幼雁居中  老雁壓陣  頭雁在前緊拍翅膀,使氣流上升,為的是讓幼雁靠氣流滑翔,飛起來省力。從雁群身上,我們看到了尊老愛幼的美德,看到了集體的力量。
1、作者抓住了鳥兒羽毛的         來寫出畫眉和翠鳥的美麗。(1分)
3、短文介紹了                           三種鳥。(3分)
4、請仿照白花花一詞的形式,再寫兩個表示顏色的詞語                                                                                                                                      2分)
          歡快   讚美               
第三部分:    習作(30分)
題目2: 歡歡的故事   
有一天…… 有什麼故事發生呢?請你繼續寫下去。



  • 認識漢語語匯 (語素、詞、熟語)
  • 詞的分類:實詞(名詞、動詞、形容詞、數詞、量詞、代詞)
  • 詞的分類:虛詞(副詞、介詞、連詞、助詞、歎詞、擬聲詞)
  • 詞語的構成:(單純詞和合成詞)
  • 詞語:多義詞(本義和引申義)











3。認識文章的段落 / 段落與段落之間的關係




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